However, you'll need to watch out for the AA guns back on the ground which can easily take you out. You'll be able to take to the skies to either move about the battlefield quickly or take down another old-school jet up in the air. The other major addition is a new vehicle type: planes. And a dormant volcano that towers over the 200-plus points of interest." Activision says Caldera is roughly the same size as Verdansk, but with "two years of research and listening to the community", it should be better than what players are used to. This new map is called Caldera, and features "lush forests and rocky crags. Anyone who buys Call of Duty: Vanguard can play from that date, taking advantage of 24 hours of early access before the map opens up to all free-to-play users.

However, we've known for a while the new release would introduce a new Warzone map set in the Pacific, and now Activision has confirmed it'll launch on 2nd December 2021. The launch of Call of Duty: Vanguard next week (!) sees the series return to World War 2, which obviously has huge implications for the currently modern-day Battle Royale title Call of Duty: Warzone.