However, the idea was scrapped in 2016, and just the tier 8-10 were introduced a year later. The tier 2-7 were meant to be multi turreted super-heavies with tanks like FCM 2C and FCM F1.

The "armored" French HT mini-branch we have in the game that got introduced in late 2017, namely the one with AMX 65t, M4 51 and M4 54, was originally supposed to be a full branch from tier 2-10. One of the most infamous examples of never-released vehicles are the French multi-turreted superheavies. While most of the time the scrapped tanks are just singular vehicles without necessarily a decided purpose (most likely potential premiums), sometimes it's an entire branch. Some of the might make it to the game years after - Valiant is an example of this, as if I recall correctly, the tank was modeled years, years back, but was never introduced. It's no different in WoT - there's a ton of tanks that are tested, some of them are leaked to public, others will remain in obscurity that no one outside from WG will probably ever know about. You'd probably expect that there's always going to be something that will be considered but won't make it to the final product.